Disclaimer: Below are the adventures of Sara Novocin, told by Sara Novocin, and from the point of view of Sara Novocin.
Disclaimer: I sometimes tend to write more stream of consciousness, so bear with me. I will try to make it flow coherently.
Warning: the royal "we" is used quite frequently for those with a romantically weak stomach.

Cafe avec Astrid, 23/10/08

    On Thursday, I met up with Astrid to have coffee. We met at the Comedie and went to Creperie Le Kreisker. Astrid was hungry, and I knew that this place was good! Afterwards, Astrid had some errands to run, so I went wandering around the city.

    I decided to head towards Peyrou, since I knew that Andy and I hadn't fully explored the area yet. When you reach the back of the park, you can see a beautiful view of the city. To view the video footage I took, click here and here.


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